Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Okay I'm here, now what?

You may be thinking OK so I stopped by your blog and I'm checking it out, now what? What do you want me to do once I have read some of your funny stories or have cried after finishing one where you have shared your pain.

Well, we want to say,
Stop by often.
Grab a cup of coffee or a bottled water.
Pull up a chair.
Venture out of your comfort zone and reply to something we shared or be really bold and daring and share your story with us.

Whatever you do keep coming until you get to know someone new.
Join the community and as we say here a lot:

"Read. Blog. Cry. Connect. Thrive."

amanda@thriveforwomen.org or jacqui@thriveforwomen.org


bethann said...

I am 36 years old. I have been trying to concieve for over 7 years. Failed in vitro attempts have left me not only heart broken but financially broke. We would like to pursue adopting an infant, but the cost is a big concern as we still owe quite a bit from the in vitro. We did adopt two older children from foster care, but I still want a baby. At times I feel selfish for that. I see myself as someone with a non-healing wound on their soul, and the scab keeps getting ripped off, ie hearing of someone else's pregnancy, someone abusing a child, etc....why are they blessed with a baby and not me. I don't know if this pain will ever go away. I am hoping we will find a way to adopt...with God's help.

Jacqui said...

Hi Bethann we appreciate your stopping by the blog and sharing your story with us. I can so relate to hearing of other's joy and trying to hide my pain. I have been on this journey for over 15 years and just this year have become licensed to foster/adopt. I don't have any answers but know that I understand your pain, a deep aching that goes unseen by most. Feel free to contact us via email (jacqui@thriveforwomen.org)if you want and hold on to God's hand as he leads you the rest of the way.

Cathy said...

I need this place to spill my heart out...I have been trying to start my family for almost 5 years. Lately I feel like I am mourning over a child that has not happened yet. The times of ovulating is the worse for me...cause I grieve over the loss of those eggs...that may sound strange to some but hey it's where I am at. Sometimes I am just fine ~ okay with waiting for God's timing but then it hits me and I could just sit back and cry..and there is release in the tears. But the pain does not go away it lingers and social events are difficult...where there is women talking about their precious children...My heart aches when I hear of children being mistreated... exactly as Bethann said Why can't I have a child...and these others abuse their children....it's just not fair.

Cathy said...

Wrote this awhile ago ~ came across it today ~thought I would share ~ hope it's okay.

I read Psalm 62 this am...and as I read it my heart was comforted and cheered on. All through life we come up against enemies ... worry, fear, depression, pride, anger, discouragement.
It's so easy for these thoughts and feelings to topple us. The answer for all this is to wait on Him...sit at His feet. Psalm 131 verse 2 I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who NO LONGER CRIES for its mother's milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.
Sometimes when my thoughts and feelings are racing and I am on the verge of tears...I have to stop myself...take a deep breath and just be still. I talk to myself saying things like God is in control ... He loves me...He will take care of everything that concerns me. I want to get to a place where I no longer cry out of panic for my needs to be met. I want to be able to calmly walk along side my Father knowing He is on top of my needs already.
Every part of me .... soul body mind...ALL placing my expectations in Christ. He is the only ONE who can truly meet our emotional, physical and spiritual needs. Turning to Him with all we are puts us in a place of safety. As a child we find a good hiding place and tell no one...because we are safe there ... and we win the game!!! But in this hiding place, His presence, let's tell others...so they can go to a place where all their worries and fears can not find them.
God has given us people to help us along the way.... I am very grateful for that...but it really comes down to one source HIM! He is our Creator....sit back and think about all the beautiful and amazing things He has made. I like to walk outside looking at the sky, trees or just feel the cool breeze...it calms me. I reflect that He made it....how awesome ... so I know He is sooo in tune to my heart...nothing goes unnoticed. NOTHING. So sit at His feet everything else can really wait...sit at His feet worship...love on Him get to that place where nothing can reach you.

Amanda said...

Cathy, thanks for sharing and crying with us, and yet, throughout your "psalm", there is evidence of thriving through Him. He is all we need, He is all we have! We will be praying for you, please email me directly if you like: amanda@thriveforwomen.org.

Brandi said...

Hello my name is Brand I am 34 yrs old a mother to a 5 yr old girl and a mother to an angel that the Lord took on Feb 11, 2008. This pain is still new to me and oh so very strong. I try everyday to cope and stay strong. I am not one to show alot of emotions and such. I try to avoid situations with other babies. This is hard considering I have three family members that have givine birth in the past few months and I don't want them to avoid me just because.

Yesterday being memorial day I had a hard time watching them hold the babies and talk about how they are doing. I hate feeling like this, but I don't wanna take meds for depression, I hated the way they made me feel.

We are ttc again and I even have mixed emotions about all that. I wanna have a baby so bad but the fear of losing yet another child sickens me.

I pray everyday that the Lord will give me the strength that I need to survive.

I just need a place to let me emotions run wild. I have a very supportive husband and love him to death but sometimes I feel like I burden him when I feel like this.

Cathy said...

Every holiday ~ family event~ special church function brings pain. Baby showers are tough~on one hand I want to be excited for the new mom yet on the other hand~I have heard that me being there makes the mom uncomfortable so ... why go? Why make them and me suffer????

Cathy said...

Ugh...tonight I wandered in to Digtriad.com where I submitted a few pictures of my baby cats...and I clicked on something else that led me to a silly ice cream survey...and when I went to comment I could not ... because it was for moms. OUCH!!!!!!!!! That hurt...Perhaps another day it would not have bothered me sooo much...but today I went out and bought some new born baby clothes for a girl. Her momma does not have much so in an effort to reach out beyond myself I did this...and also as a step against all the negative I hear about the harm done to children. My heart is sensitive tonight to that...I feel lost tonight.

Amanda said...

Cathy, so proud of you for stepping out and doing the right thing - I know God will bless you - but I agree, it is hard!!! Amanda