Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bio on Thrive Blogger Trina

hi i showed up at our thrive meeting and they said, sit you're gonna write. Ok, so here it is.
My name is Trina LaFrance...I am 49 years old....wow that sounds like someone else not me.
I look like I'm in my late 30s early 40s. That's what this young guy I asked who was in college said when I asked him [yeah I really did that]. Excuse me how old do you think I am? He looked at me with the same look you probably have on your face right now. Uh....will this get me in trouble? No I assured him. Ok, I don't mean to hurt your feelings but you look like you're 38 or early 40s. He seemed surprised and relieved when I was smiling with joy. To him that is old to me it said, I still have it!!!! As London would say, YEAH ME!!!

I think I am saying all this because you can't see me and I want you to know I am a mature woman who has been there and back and leapt into it again but has not aged me from the view of one of the youths of this world. I sound corny but it's late and I can't think of anything else.

On a more serious note, I have always hated I mean HATED the word infertility. I even did a talk on "Why I Hate the "I" Word". Basically it means that infertility sounds like a disease. I didn't have a disease. I was on a Journey. I have never liked that word that sends a flash of heat thru my body whenever someone tries to label me that way [more on that later] .

OOPS, Now they tell me I have to stop writing. We'll have to talk you and me. You grab your coffee and I'll grab mine and I want to hear all about your Journey...there really is a blessing in store for you. I bet you are thinking yeah right or maybe so what's next?

Let me close with I love the SO WHAT'S NEXT? place in someones life because that's when the hardest battle is behind you. What a relief.... picture that poster of a cat that is hanging on by his claws with the caption "Let Go". Does he or doesn't he? ... Sorry Jacqui just told me to hang up.
Love ya....lets do coffee soon.

Bio on Thrive Blogger Emily

Welcome to our blog! I will be blogging on the "So What's Next?" section. As an adoptive mom of a 4 year old, every moment is a new surprise! I constantly ask myself "okay, so what's next?" as I prepare for the next phase of parenting a toddler, an experience that has been humbling as well as thrilling. I look forward to sharing and showing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel -- and here's what's waiting on the other side.......... Emily

Bio on Thrive Blogger Jacqui

Hi I'm Jacqui,
I will be editing two sections of our blog: "Thrive Through Adoption Issues" and "So What's Next?" You might think well how do you get to edit what's next when you still have not started your family? Well I am already in the "So What's Next" frame of mind. I trust God has answered my prayer for a family and now I am thinking about how do you become a mom. Pregnant women have 9 months to prepare. I guess I've had longer but not taken advantage of it. I think back to the time when infertiltity was the painful banner I wore like the Scarlet Letter, but now I know I have moved into the next phase and I feel I need God just as much to prepare for actual day to day motherhood. I trust God and know He will walk me through it with his patient love guiding me along the way.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Bio on Thrive Blogger Amanda

This is a new format for writing about my experiences with my own fertility issues. As a co-founder of The Hannah's Heart Network I have had the opportunity to write for our magazine, write for our website and write for talks and studies.

But wow! This blogging may just set me free! Free to share with you more of what I am thinking and feeling about my life - and hopefully - give you a format to share with me and others what you are thinking and feeling about yours.

I went through seven years of infertility clinics, miscarriages and thoughts about adoption. But my life became much more perfect and content as I realized that the two beautiful stepdaughters who were in my life and who reached out to love me like family were the family God wanted for me!

Can't wait to share with you and meet those of you who have lived my Journey, but especially for those of you who are still traveling that lonely road -- come and join me, I'd love to take a walk with you and chat, cry or cry out along with you -- you are not alone.
